Faculty/Staff Directory

Phone: (708) 456-0300

Name Department Email Ext
Booker, Thomas Operations and Maintenance thomasbooker@hrfjk.com 3210
Boonprasarn, Timothy Desktop Computing Solutions timothyboonprasarn@hrfjk.com 3948
Borg-Poggi, Marybeth Police marybethborg@hrfjk.com 3206
Borowiak, Donna Continuing Education donnaborowiak@hrfjk.com
Botta, Kenneth Continuing Education kennethbotta@hrfjk.com
Bouchette, Reynaldo Library reynaldobouchette@hrfjk.com 3838
Bowen, David Math davidbowen@hrfjk.com 3273
Bowman, Camille Horticulture camillebowman@hrfjk.com
Bowman, Kirk Library kirkbowman@hrfjk.com
Brady-Mackins, Cynthia Social Science cynthiabrady-mackins@hrfjk.com
Brandt, Abigail Continuing Education abigailbrandt@hrfjk.com
Bratkovskiy, Marta Continuing Education martabratkovskiy@hrfjk.com
Bravo Flores, Gloria Operations and Maintenance gloriabravoflores@hrfjk.com 3210
Brazile, Lamar Social Science lamarbrazile@hrfjk.com
Breijak, Todd English Department toddbreijak@hrfjk.com
Brennan, Patrick Continuing Education patrickbrennan2@hrfjk.com
Breslin, Timothy Emergency Medical Technician timothybreslin@hrfjk.com
Brooks, Angel ECE/Education angelbrooks@hrfjk.com
Brooks, Kyle Visual Performing and Communication Arts kylebrooks@hrfjk.com
Brophy, Christina Social Science christinabrophy@hrfjk.com 3549
Brown, Darlene Allied Health darlenebrown@hrfjk.com 3457
Brucato, Ruth Continuing Education ruthbrucato@hrfjk.com
Bubis, Timothy Emergency Medical Technician timothybubis@hrfjk.com
Buczynski, Filip Admissions and Records filipbuczynski@hrfjk.com 3040
Budzynski, Hannah Financial Aid hannahbudzynski@hrfjk.com 3321
Burg, Phillip Continuing Education phillipburg@hrfjk.com
Burgess, Brian Continuing Education brianburgess@hrfjk.com
Burgess, Darvell Athletics darvellburgess@hrfjk.com 3337
Burks, Malena Student Life malenaburks@hrfjk.com 3397
Burks, Zavier Shipping and Receiving zavierburks@hrfjk.com 3518
Burns, Brian Athletics brianburns@hrfjk.com 3840
Butler, Tatianne Student Services tatiannebutler@hrfjk.com 3868
Buttacavoli, Albert Academic Success Center albertbuttacavoli@hrfjk.com 3979
Cabarle, Jordan Welcome Center jordancabarle@hrfjk.com
Caira, Frank Automotive frankcaira2@hrfjk.com
Cairo, John Business johncairo@hrfjk.com
Camaioni, James Help Desk jamescamaioni@hrfjk.com 3587
Campbell, Lorraine Admissions and Records lorrainecampbell@hrfjk.com 3733
Campbell, Samuel Health Sport and Exercise Science samuelcampbell2@hrfjk.com
Campos, Susan Academic Affairs susancampos@hrfjk.com 3630
Capece, Francesco Police francescocapece@hrfjk.com
Caputlu, Serpil College Readiness serpilcaputlu@hrfjk.com 3272
Caron, Andrew Police andrewcaron@hrfjk.com 3206
Carraminana, Rodrigo Math rodrigocarraminana@hrfjk.com
Carter, Michele Visual Communication/Graphics michelecarter@hrfjk.com
Casey-Incardone, Mary Counseling marycasey@hrfjk.com 3811
Castaneda, Tatiana Adult Education tatianacastaneda@hrfjk.com
Castellanos, Sergio Athletics sergiocastellanos@hrfjk.com
Castillo, Alondra Admissions and Records alondracastillo2@hrfjk.com 3732
Castro, Arlene Nursing Assistant arlenecastro@hrfjk.com