Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Wiley, Charlotte | Child Development Center | charlottewiley@hrfjk.com | 3668 |
Wilkins, Linda | Programming Services | lindawilkins@hrfjk.com | 3643 |
Williams, Jahlon | Business and Technology | jahlonwilliams@hrfjk.com | |
Willis, Julia | Student Services | juliawillis@hrfjk.com | 3865 |
Wilson, Kali | Continuing Education | kaliwilson@hrfjk.com | |
Wimberly, Andre | Biology | andrewimberly@hrfjk.com | |
Wink, Mary | Academic Success Center | marywink@hrfjk.com | 3176 |
Winston, Andrew | Athletics | andrewwinston@hrfjk.com | |
Winston, Lashunda | Admissions and Records | lashundawinston@hrfjk.com | |
Winter, Robert | Continuing Education | robertwinter2@hrfjk.com | |
Winters, Brendan | Continuing Education | brendanwinters@hrfjk.com | |
Winters, Martin | Continuing Education | martinwinters@hrfjk.com | |
Wisniewski, Carl | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | carlwisniewski@hrfjk.com | |
Witkos, Hubert | Continuing Education | hubertwitkos@hrfjk.com | |
Wittman, Christin | Academic Success Center | christinwittman@hrfjk.com | 3850 |
Wittrock, Andrew | Library | andrewwittrock@hrfjk.com | 3464 |
Womack, Amy | Child Development Center | amywomack@hrfjk.com | |
Woodall, Kiersten | Financial Aid | kierstenwoodall@hrfjk.com | |
Woodard, Michael | Athletics | ||
Woodard, Michael | Athletics | michaelwoodard@hrfjk.com | |
Woodruff, David | Behavioral Science | davidwoodruff@hrfjk.com | |
Wright, Gerek | Student Services | gerekwright@hrfjk.com | |
Wright, Karen | Nursing Assistant | karenwright@hrfjk.com | |
Wright, Renee | English Department | reneewright@hrfjk.com | 3237 |
Wright, Stephanie | Health Careers | stephaniewright@hrfjk.com | 3920 |
Wright, Tracy | Counseling | tracywright@hrfjk.com | 3609 |
Wuertz, Lorraine | Continuing Education | lorrainewuertz@hrfjk.com | |
Yanez, Guadalupe | Financial Aid | guadalupeyanez2@hrfjk.com | |
Yang, Can | Desktop Computing Solutions | canyang@hrfjk.com | |
Young, Brian | Continuing Education | brianyoung@hrfjk.com | |
Young, Margaret | Nursing | margaretyoung@hrfjk.com | 3983 |
Young, Paul | Chemistry | paulyoung@hrfjk.com | |
Yusim, Leonid | Science | leonidyusim@hrfjk.com | 3551 |
Zaman, Jeffrey | Continuing Education | jeffreyzaman@hrfjk.com | |
Zambuto, Marisa | Architecture | marisazambuto@hrfjk.com | |
Zamora, Bobby | Science | bobbyzamora@hrfjk.com | |
Zapata, Melina | Academic Success Center | melinazapata@hrfjk.com | |
Zefeldt, Susan | Finance | susanzefeldt@hrfjk.com | 3803 |
Zeiner, Linnea | Advising | linneazeiner@hrfjk.com | 3064 |
Zeman, Daniel | Athletics | danielzeman@hrfjk.com | |
Zere, Seniet | Health Careers | senietzere@hrfjk.com | |
Zewde, Fekade | College Readiness | fekadezewde@hrfjk.com | |
Zhang, Mingwei | Continuing Education | mingweizhang@hrfjk.com | |
Ziupsnys, Amanda | Continuing Education | amandaziupsnys@hrfjk.com | |
Ziupsnys, Isabella | Athletics | isabellaziupsnys@hrfjk.com | |
Zumpano, Nicole | Center for Teaching Excellence | nicolezumpano@hrfjk.com | 3562 |
Zurawska, Izabela | Business | izabelazurawska2@hrfjk.com | |
Zydron, Elizabeth | Finance | elizabethzydron@hrfjk.com | 3626 |